Exchange Currency

advance ruling

A ruling issued by the IRS in advance of a transaction. While the IRS usually issues rulings on tax matters after a transaction occurs, it may also issue rulings on proposed transactions. Companies may request an advance ruling if the tax consequences of a transaction are uncertain or unclear.

Related information about advance ruling:
  1. Elimination of the Advance Ruling Process
    Sep 6, 2012 ... The IRS has issued regulations which eliminate the advance ruling process for a section 501(c)(3) organization. Under the new regulations, ...
  2. Chapter 11 - Advance Ruling Procedures -
    Chapter 11 - Advance Ruling Procedures Generally Importers, exporters and producers of goods may obtain advance rulings from the customs administrations ...
  3. U.S. Customs and Border Protection - Import
    An advance ruling is a written document received from the customs authority from a NAFTA country. It provides binding information on specific NAFTA questions ...
  4. What is advance ruling? definition and meaning
    Definition of advance ruling: A ruling issued by the IRS in advance of a transaction. ... Companies may request an advance ruling if the tax consequences of a ...
  5. IRS Eliminates Advance Ruling Period - Quarles & Brady LLP
    Jan 22, 2009 ... January 2009. On September 8, 2008, the Treasury Department issued temporary and final regulations that eliminate the advance ruling period ...
  6. advance ruling of exempt status -
    Accordingly, during an advance ruling period you will be treated as a publicly ... Within 90 days after the end of your advance ruling period, you must send us the ...
  7. Elimination of Advance Ruling Period for Public Charities
    Elimination of Advance Ruling Period for Public Charities ... On September 9, 2008, the IRS issued temporary regulations that eliminate the advance ruling ...
  8. Advance Ruling Period Eliminated | Nonprofit Accounting Basics
    In the past, once the application was approved by the IRS, a five year advance ruling period would follow. Once the five year period ended, Form 8734, Support ...