Exchange Currency

average price per share

The most common method for calculating taxes owed on mutual fund redemptions, in which the average cost per share is found by taking the total cost of all the fund shares and dividing by the total number of shares owned.

Related information about average price per share:
  1. How to calculate my average price per share.
    Jul 7, 2006 ... Ok, this is probably 6th grade math, but say I bought the same stock at three different price levels and a different amount of shares each time.
  2. What is Average Price Per Share? - Investor Glossary
    What is Average Price Per Share? Find out right now with a helpful definition and links related to Average Price Per Share.
  3. What is average price per share? -
    Definition of average price per share: The most common method for calculating taxes owed on mutual fund redemptions, in which the average cost per share is ...
  4. Average Price per Share - Financial Dictionary - The Free Dictionary
    A measure of how much an investor pays for each share of stock calculated by taking the prices one pays and dividing by the number of prices. For example ...
  5. How to Find Out the Weighted Average Price Per Share |
    How to Find Out the Weighted Average Price Per Share. If you make one purchase of a stock at a single price, you can easily figure out if you would make a profit ...
  6. Formula for Calculating Price per Share - Bob Brinker's Land of ...
    You can determine your average price per share (what you paid) with this formula: Average Price per Share. If you purchased the same number of shares of an ...
  7. What is AVERAGE PRICE PER SHARE? - The Law Dictionary
    Definition of AVERAGE PRICE PER SHARE: The way cost is decided using cost of shares and the numbe of them that are held. Refer to average down and ...
  8. What is average price per share? -
    Definition of average price per share: A method of calculating cost basis, in which the total cost for all shares of the same security is divided by the number of ...