Exchange Currency

cash basis

The bookkeeping practice of recording sales and expenses only when cash is actually received or paid out, as opposed to accrual basis. Generally cash basis bookkeeping is simpler than accrual basis bookkeeping, but makes securing financing more difficult. also called cash method of accounting.

Related information about cash basis:
  1. Cash Basis Definition | Investopedia
    A major accounting method that recognizes revenues and expenses at the time physical cash is actually received or paid out. This contrasts to the other major ...
  2. Deciding between Cash-Basis and Accrual Accounting - For Dummies
    Before you can start recording business transactions, you must decide whether to use cash-basis or accrual accounting. The crucial difference between these ...
  3. Cash and accrual basis - Wikipedia
    The two primary accounting methods of the cash basis and the accruals basis ( the difference being primarily one of timing) are used in three environments: in ...
  4. What is cash basis? definition and meaning
    Definition of cash basis: The bookkeeping practice of recording sales and expenses only when cash is actually received or paid out, as opposed to accrual basis ...
  5. Accounting for Startups: Cash-basis or Accrual-basis? by ...
    Apr 19, 2010 ... “Cash-Basis” accounting means you only count revenue and expenses that you actually have. Things that count: Receiving a check or credit ...
  6. What is cash basis accounting? definition and meaning
    Definition of cash basis accounting: An accounting method in which income is recorded when cash is received, and expenses are recorded when cash is paid ...
  7. Cash vs. Accrual Accounting |
    The cash method and the accrual method (sometimes called cash basis and accrual basis) are the two principal methods of keeping track of a business's ...
  8. Accrual Basis Accounting versus Cash Basis Accounting
    A definition of accrual basis accounting and an explanation of how accrual basis accounting and cash basis accounting differ.