Exchange Currency

conversion price

The price at which a given convertible security can be converted to common stock. The conversion price is specified when the security is issued. The number of shares to be received is the principal amount of the security divided by the conversion price (after the conversion price is adjusted for stock splits anddividends).

Related information about conversion price:
  1. Conversion Price Definition | Investopedia
    The price per share at which a convertible security, such as corporate bonds or preferred shares, can be converted into common stock.
  2. Conversion Price - Financial Dictionary - The Free Dictionary
    Applies mainly to convertible securities. Dollar value at which convertible bonds, debentures, or preferred stock can be converted into common stock, ...
  3. What is conversion price? definition and meaning
    Definition of conversion price: The price at which a given convertible security can be converted to common stock. The conversion price is specified when the ...
  4. Conversion Price: Definition from
    Effective price paid for common stock when the stock is obtained by converting either convertible preferred stock or convertible bonds.
  5. Market Conversion Price Definition, Example & Formula ...
    We explain the definition of Market Conversion Price, provide a clear example of the formula and explain why it's an important concept in business, finance ...
  6. Conversion Price - QFINANCE
    As often as not, when you need to calculate conversion price, it is not so much the ... Depending on specific terms, the conversion price may be set when the ...
  7. What is a Conversion Price?
    Brief and Straightforward Guide: What is a Conversion Price?
  8. Calamos Investments - Convertible Conversion Price
    The convertible's conversion price is the effective price for conversion into stock with the bond at par. At the time of issue, the offering prospectus indicates the ...