Exchange Currency

conversion ratio

The number of shares of common stock that could be obtained by converting each share of a convertible security.

Related information about conversion ratio:
  1. Conversion Ratio Definition | Investopedia
    The number of common shares received at the time of conversion for each convertible security. It is calculated by using this formula:
  2. Conversion Ratio - Financial Dictionary - The Free Dictionary
    Applies mainly to convertible securities. Relationship that determines how many shares of common stock will be received in exchange for each convertible bond ...
  3. Conversion Ratio: Definition from
    relationship that determines how many shares of common stock will be received in exchange for each convertible bond or preferred share when the conversion.
  4. Conversion ratio
    A conversion ratio, in the context of investment, means the number of units of the underlying that will obtained for each unit of a derivative (which includes ...
  5. Conversion Ratio - QFINANCE
    Conversion ratio and conversion price work in tandem and should be ... Like conversion price, the conversion ratio is an investment strategy tool which is used to ...
  6. Feed conversion ratio - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    In animal husbandry, feed conversion ratio (FCR), feed conversion rate, or feed conversion efficiency (FCE), is a measure of an animal's efficiency in converting ...
  7. Conversions
    Convert feet to miles by choosing the conversion ratio that will eliminate the feet units: 1mile/5280 feet. This accomplishes the goal since the feet term in the ...
  8. What is conversion ratio? definition and meaning
    Definition of conversion ratio: The number of shares of common stock that could be obtained by converting each share of a convertible security.