Exchange Currency

convertible currency

Currency that can be quickly and easily bought and sold for other currencies.

Related information about convertible currency:
  1. Convertible Currency Definition | Investopedia
    A currency that can be readily bought or sold without government restrictions, in order to purchase another currency. A convertible currency is a liquid instrument ...
  2. Convertibility - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Convertibility is the quality that allows money or other financial instruments to be converted into other liquid stores of value. Convertibility is an important factor in ...
  3. Convertible Currency - Financial Dictionary - The Free Dictionary
    A currency that may be exchanged for a foreign currency. Currency convertibility is vitally important in the foreign exchange market; higher convertibility means ...
  4. Will China make its currency convertible? Or would it rather own the ...
    Aug 3, 2009... to the chinese not allowing a freely convertible currency is simple slap tariffs the goods commensurate with the real value if the currency had ...
  5. What is convertible currency? definition and meaning
    Definition of convertible currency: Currency that can be quickly and easily bought and sold for other currencies.
  6. What is Convertible Currency?
    Brief and Straightforward Guide: What is Convertible Currency?
  7. Freely convertible currency
    Convertibility - quality which allows money or other financial instruments to be transformed to other liquid funds of savings. Convertibility is the important factor in ...
  8. Convertible Currency: Definition from
    A currency for which there are no barriers or restrictions in the foreign exchange market. Previous: Conversion Ratio ,