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debt coverage ratio

The amount of available cash from renting a property in relation to the amount of money necessary to pay the mortgage. This figure is calculated by dividing the net operating income (NOI) by a property's annual debt service.

Related information about debt coverage ratio:
  1. Debt service coverage ratio - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    The debt service coverage ratio (DSCR), also known as "debt coverage ratio," ( DCR) is the ratio of cash available for debt servicing to interest, principal and ...
  2. Debt-Service Coverage Ratio (DSCR) Definition | Investopedia
    In corporate finance, it is the amount of cash flow available to meet annual interest and principal payments on debt, including sinking fund payments.
  3. Debt Coverage Ratio (DCR) Definition
    Real Estate: Debt Coverage Ratio DCR - Definition.
  4. Debt Coverage Ratio
    Debt Coverage Ratio Calculator (Click Here or Scroll Down). Share | ... The formula for debt coverage ratio is net operating income divided by debt service.
  5. Debt coverage ratio - Financial Dictionary - The Free Dictionary
    In investment real estate, the ratio of annual net operating income on a piece of investment property to its annual debt service. Banks use the DSCR to help ...
  6. How to Calculate Debt Coverage Ratio |
    Debt coverage ratio shows a company's ability to pay its debts. The debt coverage ratio compares the cash flow the company has to the total amount of ...
  7. Debt Coverage Ratio Calculator - Real Estate Investment Equations ...
    Real estate investment calculator solving for debt coverage ratio given annual net operating income and annual debt service.
  8. Debt Coverage Ratio - DCR
    Article on Debt Coverage Ratio or DCR which is also known as Debt Service Coverage Ratio. What is the definition of the debt coverage ratio and how is the ...