Exchange Currency

del credere agency

An agency, factor or broker who sells products and/or services for another party and guarantees that the buyer will pay for them.

Related information about del credere agency:
  1. Del credere - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    The Supreme Court held that, although the parties' agency agreement could be assumed genuine rather than sham, id. at 277, use of del credere agency does ...
  2. Del Credere Agency Definition | Investopedia
    In business law, a del credere agency is a type of principal-agent relationship wherein the agent acts not only as a salesperson or broker for the principal, but ...
  3. What is a Del Credere Agency?
    Del credere originated in Italy during the Middle Ages. The word “del credere” comes from the Italian and means of belief or trust. A del credere agency is a ...
  4. What is del credere agency? definition and meaning
    Definition of del credere agency: An agency, factor or broker who sells products and/or services for another party and guarantees that the buyer will pay for them.
  5. Del Credere Agency: Definition from
    In business law, a del credere agency is a type of principal-agent relationship wherein the agent acts not only as a salesperson or broker for the principal, but ...
  6. Del credere agent - Legal Dictionary - The Free Dictionary
    As the result of a del credere agency, the del credere agent becomes a surety of the purchaser. If the purchaser defaults, the agent is responsible to the principal ...
  7. Del Credere Agency - Australian Taxation Office
    Dec 7, 2011 ... 1.2.2 - Del Credere Agency - GST implications of payment default by purchaser. For the source of the ATO view refer to GSTR 2000/37 - Goods ...
  8. 2. Agency May Be Del Credere Or Non Del Credere
    Nov 11, 2012 ... A del credere agency does not change the status of the parties. The purchaser is still the primary debtor to the principal, and the principal is the ...