Exchange Currency

delivery month

The month during which a futures contract expires, and during which delivery may take place according to the terms of the contract. also called contract month.

Related information about delivery month:
  1. Delivery month - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    For futures contracts specifying physical delivery, the delivery month is the month in which the seller must deliver, and the buyer must accept and pay for, the ...
  2. Delivery Month Definition | Investopedia
    A key characteristic of a futures contract that designates when the contract expires and when the underlying asset must be delivered. The exchange on the ...
  3. Delivery Month - Commodity Futures Trading Commission
    Delivery Month: The specified month within which a futures contract matures and can be settled by delivery or the specified month in which the delivery period ...
  4. In Delivery Month European Union Allowance (EUA)
    Find information on in delivery month european union allowance (eua), which use the trading code EAF/6T, including contract specifications, quotes, ...
  5. Delivery Month - Financial Dictionary - The Free Dictionary
    The month in which an option or futures contract expires and delivery must be made. The seller generally must inform the buyer of delivery during the delivery ...
  6. Delivery Month Definition - What is Delivery Month?
    What is Delivery Month? Find out right now with a helpful definition and links related to Delivery Month.
  7. Delivery Month
    Delivery Month. For futures contracts specifying physical delivery, the delivery month is the month in which the seller must deliver, and the buyer must accept and ...
  8. What is delivery month? definition and meaning
    Definition of delivery month: The month during which a futures contract expires, and during which delivery may take place according to the terms of the contract.