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economic surplus

1. Excess. also called overage. 2. The extent to which assets exceed liabilities. 3. Profits remaining after subtracting for operating expenses, taxes, interest, and insurance.

Related information about economic surplus:
  1. Economic surplus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    In mainstream economics, economic surplus (also known as total welfare or Marshallian surplus after Alfred Marshall) refers to two related quantities. Consumer ...
  2. The Concept of Economic Surplus - JStor
    Economic surplus may be said to be present whenever a seller makes a sale for a sum ... Economic surplus can arise only where there are differences among ...
  3. economic surplus - FX Words
    Economic Surplus is the overall benefit a society composed of consumers and...
  4. Economic surplus - The Free Dictionary
    (Polit. Econ.) Any profit above the normal rate of interest and wages accruing to a producer on account of some monopoly (temporary or permanent) of the ...
  5. What is economic surplus? definition and meaning
    Definition of economic surplus: Excess. also called overage.
  6. Economic surplus - YouTube
    In mainstream economics, economic surplus refers to two related quantities. Consumer surplus or consumers' surplus is the monetary gain obtained by ...
  7. Economic surplus - EconGuru Economics Guide
    Economic surplus is what we all want. What is Microeconomics all about? Find out here.
  8. What Is Economic Surplus?
    Oct 3, 2012 ... Economic surplus is a situation in which the financial assets of an entity exceed its financial liabilities. This can include...