Exchange Currency

exchange rate index

A way of measuring the relative value of a currency by comparing it to a basket of other currencies. The exchange rate index value is calculated by comparing the primary currency to the average value of other currencies, weighted according to the overall amount of trade with nations using that currency.

Related information about exchange rate index:
  1. Trade Weighted Effective Exchange Rate Index - Wikipedia, the free ...
    The Trade Weighted Effective Exchange Rate Index, a common form of the effective exchange rate index, is a multilateral exchange rate index. It is compiled as ...
  2. Trade weighted index - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    The Trade Weighted Effective Exchange Rate Index, a common form of the effective exchange rate index, is a multilateral exchange rate index. It is compiled as ...
  3. Real effective exchange rate index (2005 = 100) | Data | Table
    Real effective exchange rate index (2005 = 100). Real effective exchange rate is the nominal effective exchange rate (a measure of the value of a currency ...
  4. Exchange Rate Index Definition | Economics Blog
    May 5, 2008 ... An exchange rate index is a way of measuring the performance of a currency against a basket of other currencies. US Dollar Index ...
  5. BIS effective exchange rate indices
    Nov 15, 2012 ... Effective exchange rate (EER) indices for a total of 61 economies: data starting from 1964/1994.
  6. Canadian-dollar effective exchange rate index - Bank of Canada
    The Canadian-dollar effective exchange rate index (CERI) is a weighted average of bilateral exchange rates for the Canadian dollar against the currencies of ...
  7. Exchange rate
    The index has been recalculated so that, on January 2, 2009, it was assigned a value equivalent to that of the now-discontinued Exchange Rate Index.
  8. Real effective exchange rate index statistics - countries compared ...
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