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filing status

The types of taxpayers: single, married filing jointly, married filing separately, and head of household. Determines filing requirements, the amount of the standard deduction, eligibility for certain credits, and the tax bracket.

Related information about filing status:
  1. Eight Facts About Filing Status
    Sep 5, 2012 ... The first step to filing your federal income tax return is to determine which filing status to use. Your filing status is used to determine your filing ...
  2. Publication 17 (2011), Your Federal Income Tax
    You must determine your filing status before you can determine your filing requirements (chapter 1), standard deduction (chapter 20), and correct tax ( chapter ...
  3. Choosing Your Filing Status
    Choose only one filing status, depending on your situation. Generally, your filing status depends on your marital status as of the last day of the year.
  4. What's My Tax Filing Status?
    Determining your filing status impacts the rest of your tax return. Tips for choosing your correct filing status.
  5. Filing Status (federal income tax) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Filing status is an important factor when computing taxable income under the federal income tax in the United States. The federal tax filing status defines the type ...
  6. Filing Status - H&R Block 2008 - H&R Block®
    Filing Status - H&R Block 2008. ... Requirement to file usually depends on your filing status, gross income, and age. There are 5 filing statuses: single, married ...
  7. Filing Status – Federal Tax Guide • – File Your Taxes Online
    Determining your filing status is the first step to take before filing any federal tax return -- find out how.
  8. Filing Status Definition | Investopedia
    A category that defines the type of tax return form an individual will use. Filing status is closely tied to marital status. The five filing statuses are: 1. Single filer2.