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in-service withdrawal

A withdrawal from an employer-sponsored retirement plan by a participant who remains employed.

Related information about in-service withdrawal:
  1. In-Service Withdrawal Definition | Investopedia
    A withdrawal made from a qualified plan account before the holder experiences a triggering event. A triggering event, such as reaching a certain age, or leaving ...
  2. TSP: In-Service Withdrawals: In-Service Withdrawal Basics
    An in-service withdrawal can have a serious impact on your TSP account. Remember that the purpose of your account is to accumulate savings so that you will ...
  3. In-Service Withdrawal: The Law and The Plan Rules
    Feb 1, 2011 ... It's a sad fact many 401k plans are bad: the investment choices are poor; the fees are high. People naturally ask if there's a way to take the ...
  4. In-service Withdrawal | Retirement Dictionary
    Sep 11, 2012 ... A withdrawal (distribution) which is made from a qualified plan or 403(b) account while the account owner is still working for the plan sponsor ...
  5. in-service withdrawal - Federal Times Blogs
    Nov 5, 2012 ... A. You could take an age-based, in-service withdrawal and roll it over to an IRA. The cost of doing this will be higher investment expenses and ...
  6. In Service Distribution- 401k Rollover While You're Still Working
    Sep 1, 2009... 457″s and pensions, too. Be sure to rollover the money to an IRA if you don't need it. By doing a 401k in-service withdrawal you will taxed.
  7. Taking an in-service withdrawal - Managing Your Money
    Feb 9, 2009 ... I have a company sponsored 401K with 80+% in my company stock through Fidelity. The plan is "frozen", no contributions and no match ...
  8. In-Service Withdrawal - Financial Dictionary - The Free Dictionary
    A participant-initiated withdrawal from an employer-sponsored retirement plan while the participant is still employed by the company.