Exchange Currency

indirect exchange rate

Reciprocal exchange rate. For example, if one euro's exchange value is expressed in dollars the indirect exchange rate will express one dollar's value in terms of euro.

Related information about indirect exchange rate:
  1. Indirect Quote Definition | Investopedia
    A foreign exchange rate quoted as the foreign currency per unit of the domestic currency. In an indirect quote, the foreign currency is a variable amount and the ...
  2. Indirect Exchange Rate - Financial Dictionary - The Free Dictionary
    The foreign currency price of one unit of the home currency. European Terms. In the United States currency market, an exchange rate stated in U.S. dollars per ...
  3. What is indirect exchange rate? -
    Definition of indirect exchange rate: Reciprocal exchange rate. For example, if one euro's exchange value is expressed in dollars the indirect exchange rate will ...
  4. Indirect exchange rate
    Similar financial terms. Exchangeable bond. An issue giving the bondholder the right to exchange the issue for a specified number of common stock shares of a ...
  5. Direct and Indirect Exchange Rate Quotes
    Exchange rates are expressed in 2 methods: Direct and Indirect. The most common way in which they are expressed is called a direct quote. Generally sp.
  6. Explain the difference between indirect and direct exchange rates
    The difference between indirect and direct exchange rates is that an indirect exchange rate is the number of foreign currency units that may be obtained for one ...
  7. Direct and Indirect Quotation for Exchange Rates - SAP Help Portal
    Apr 2, 2001 ... Indirect exchange rate: 1EUR = 1.08238 USD ... The second line shows an indirect exchange rate EUR – USD; the local currency is the from- ...
  8. What is indirect exchange rate? -
    indirect exchange rate - definition of indirect exchange rate from InvestorGuide. com: The reciprocal of the conventional way of quoting a currency pair computed ...