Exchange Currency

long hedge

Buying futures to hedge against the sale of a cash commodity. also called buying hedge.

Related information about long hedge:
  1. Long Hedge Definition | Investopedia
    A situation where an investor has to take a long position in futures contracts in order to hedge against future price volatility. A long hedge is beneficial for a ...
  2. Long Hedge | The Options & Futures Guide
    The long hedge is a hedging strategy used by manufacturers and producers to lock in the price of a product or commodity to be purchased some time in the ...
  3. Long Hedge Example with Futures - AgEBB
    This guide details the placing of an input (long) hedge in the futures market for use in reducing the price risk associated with buying an input used in your ...
  4. What is long hedge? definition and meaning
    Definition of long hedge: Transaction that secures an advantage or protection against a possible increase in the price of a traded item (commodity, financial ...
  5. Long Hedge - Financial Dictionary - The Free Dictionary
    The purchase of a futures contract in anticipation of actual purchases in the cash market. Used by processors or exporters as protection against an advance in ...
  6. Long Hedge
    Long Hedge Examples Using HRSW Futures. End users, such as millers, have commercial need for the physical Hard Red Spring Wheat (HRSW) product and ...
  7. What is LONG HEDGE? - The Law Dictionary
    Definition of LONG HEDGE: An advantage or protection is secured by this type of transaction against a possible price increase of a traded item, like a commodity ...
  8. Solutions to Homework 2
    3.1 Under what circumstances are (a) a short hedge and (b) a long hedge ... A long hedge is, therefore, appropriate when a company knows it will have to ...