Exchange Currency

long position

The state of actually owning a security, contract, or commodity. also called long. opposite of short.

Related information about long position:
  1. Long (or Long Position) Definition | Investopedia
    1. The buying of a security such as a stock, commodity or currency, with the expectation that the asset will rise in value.2. In the context of options, the buying of ...
  2. Long (finance) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    In finance, a long position in a security, such as a stock or a bond, or equivalently to be long in a security, means the holder of the position owns the security and ...
  3. Position (finance) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    When a trader buys an option contract that he has not already written (i.e. sold), he is said to be opening a long position. When a trader sells an option contract ...
  4. Long Position - Financial Dictionary - The Free Dictionary
    Owning or holding options (i.e., the number of contracts bought exceeds the number of contracts sold). For equities, a long position occurs when an individual ...
  5. What is a Long or Short Position? - Penny Stock Rumble
    Mar 9, 2011 ... What Does Long (or Long Position) Mean? ... An owner of shares in XYZ's Corp. is said to be “long XYZ's” or “has a long position in XYZ's”.
  6. What is long position? definition and meaning
    Definition of long position: Situation where an investor purchases (or contracts to purchase) commodities, financial instruments, and shares, etc., with the ...
  7. Long Position Definition - What is Long Position?
    What is Long Position? Find out right now with a helpful definition and links related to Long Position.
  8. The Long Position – Buy Low, Sell High The Short Position – Sell ...
    Buying stocks on a Long Position is the action of purchasing shares of stock(s) anticipating the stock's value will rise over time. For example: Gary decides to ...