Exchange Currency

market conversion price

The price that an investor effectively pays for common stock by purchasing a convertible security and then exercising the conversion option. This is equal to the price on the convertible divided by the conversion ratio (the number of shares that the convertible can be converted into). also called conversion parity price.

Related information about market conversion price:
  1. Market Conversion Price Definition | Investopedia
    ... conversion option. The market conversion price is calculated by dividing the convertible security's market price by the convertible security's conversion ratio.
  2. What is market conversion price? definition and meaning
    Definition of market conversion price: The price that an investor effectively pays for common stock by purchasing a convertible security and then exercising the ...
  3. Market Conversion Price - Financial Dictionary - The Free Dictionary
    Also called conversion parity price, the price that an investor effectively pays for common stock by purchasing a convertible security and then exercising the ...
  4. Market Conversion Price Definition, Example & Formula ...
    We explain the definition of Market Conversion Price, provide a clear example of the formula and explain why it's an important concept in business, finance ...
  5. What is a Conversion Parity Price?
    Sometimes referred to as a market conversion price, the conversion parity price seeks to determine how equal the price between the security and that value of ...
  6. Giddy - Convertible Bonds and Other Convertible Securities
    Conversion parity See: Market conversion price; Conversion parity price Related: ... Market conversion price Also called conversion parity price, the price that an ...
  7. * Conversion price - (Business): Definition
    Market conversion price Also called conversion parity price, the price that an effectively pays for common stock by purchasing a and then exercising the ...
  8. Fin431x (Ch 185) 1 Convertible Bonds
    Jul 5, 2010 ... At a market price of $950, a stock price of $17, and a conversion ratio of 50, calculate (1) the market conversion price, (2) market conversion ...