Exchange Currency

maximum price fluctuation

The largest price change allowed for a given futures contract in a single day, as determined by the exchange. also called limit move.

Related information about maximum price fluctuation:
  1. Maximum Price Fluctuation - Financial Dictionary - The Free Dictionary
    The greatest amount by which the contract price can change, up or down, during one trading session, as fixed by exchange rules in the contract specification.
  2. What is maximum price fluctuation? -
    Definition of maximum price fluctuation: The largest amount a futures contract can move in a single trading session before triggering a trading halt. Maximum ...
  3. What is maximum price fluctuation? -
    Definition of maximum price fluctuation: The largest price change allowed for a given futures contract in a single day, as determined by the exchange. also called ...
  4. What is MAXIMUM PRICE FLUCTUATION? - The Law Dictionary
    Definition of MAXIMUM PRICE FLUCTUATION: Without triggering a trading halt this is the largest amount a futures contract can move in a single trading session.
  5. Maximum price fluctuation Definition -
    Maximum price fluctuation: read the definition of Maximum price fluctuation and 8000+ other financial and investing terms in the Financial ...
  6. Maximum price fluctuation
    Similar financial terms. Exercise price. Price at which the holder of an option can buy (call option) or sell (put option) the underlying stock. Also referred to as ...
  7. What is Maximum Price Fluctuation? Definition and Meaning ...
    The exchange specifies a daily maximum price fluctuation for most futures contracts. The daily maximum price fluctuation is also called the “daily price limit.
  8. * Maximum price fluctuation - (Stock market): Definition
    Maximum price fluctuation - Topic:Stock market - Online Encyclopedia - What is what? Everything you always wanted to know.