Exchange Currency

naked put

A short put option position in which the writer does not have the corresponding short position in the underlier, or has not deposited in a cash account an amount equal to the exercise value of the put. also called uncovered put.

Related information about naked put:
  1. Naked put - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    A naked put (also called an uncovered put) is a put option where the option writer (i.e., the seller) does not have a position in the underlying stock or other ...
  2. Naked Put Definition | Investopedia
    A put option whose writer does not have a short position in the stock on which he or she has written the put. Sometimes referred to as an "uncovered put."
  3. Selling Naked Put Options
    Apr 26, 2012 ... Selling naked put options is easy, simple and much safer than most investors imagine if you just stick to my six tips.
  4. Naked put vs. covered call: What's riskier?
    May 1, 2010 ... In options, is selling a naked put more risky than executing a covered call?
  5. Naked Put | Options Trading at optionsXpress
    Learn about the Naked Put options trading strategy -- access extensive information at optionsXpress.
  6. A Naked Put Strategy For Coca Cola With A Potential Yield Of 4.9 ...
    May 21, 2012 ... When you sell a naked put you are in a way acting like an insurance agent. The seller of the option agrees to buy the stock in the future if it ...
  7. Naked Put Write -
    Learn everything about the Naked Put Write options trading strategy as well as its advantages and disadvantages now.
  8. Naked Put Writing And The “Big Hurt”. - Option Trading
    You can't sell calls against your naked put because the call is considered naked since you don't own the stock. Most traders can't get approved for naked call ...