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net operating loss carry forwards

Tax filing claims whereby a company offsets a current year's pre-tax loss against future profits. For example, a loss of $35,000 allows the company to claim all or a portion of that loss in one or more future years. Opposite of net operating loss carry backs.

Related information about net operating loss carry forwards:
  1. Net Operating Loss Carryforwards financial definition of Net ...
    Impact of Net Operating Loss Carry Forwards The Company through outside experts completed a study relating to its net operating loss carryforwards and ...
  2. What is net operating loss carry forwards? definition and meaning
    Definition of net operating loss carry forwards: Tax filing claims whereby a company offsets a current year's pre-tax loss against future profits. For example, a loss ...
  3. Net Operating Loss Carry-backs and Net Operating Loss Carry ...
    Apr 27, 2009 ... Net Operating Loss Carry-backs and Net Operating Loss Carry-Forwards. Tax law has long allowed individual taxpayers to carry back and to ...
  4. Tax Transfert - Term Papers
    Oct 14, 2011 ... a) If the two companies merge, could Smithon use Johnson Services' net operating loss carry forwards? Any limitations on their use? Smithon ...
  5. NOL Carry Fowards Change Effective August 1st
    NOL Carry Forwards Change Effective August 1st. A corporation's ability to utilize net operating loss carry forwards in Massachusetts changed, effective August 1 ...
  6. LD 140 - Maine State Legislature
    An Act To Eliminate the Restriction on Net Operating Loss Carry-forwards. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows: Sec. 1. 36 MRSA §5122 ...
  7. Bowling Green - Ohio Municipal League
    For example, Bowling Green allows for net operating loss carry forwards for five years. A number of cities allow for fewer years of net operating loss carry forward ...
  8. Poison Pills Gain Favor - The CFO Report - WSJ
    Nov 13, 2012 ... Since 2008, 115 U.S. companies have adopted or amended their rights plans to protect these net-operating-loss carry forwards, as they are ...