Exchange Currency

nominal consideration

A consideration bearing no relation to the real value of a contract, used to avoid revealing the true value of the property conveyed. Consideration in name only, with no relation to actual market value.

Related information about nominal consideration:
  1. Nominal consideration - Legal Dictionary - The Free Dictionary
    Something of value given by both parties to a contract that induces them to enter into the agreement to exchange mutual performances. Consideration is an ...
  2. Nominal consideration - Financial Dictionary - The Free Dictionary
    A token payment or promise given in exchange for something else of greater value. Courts will usually not “look behind the value of consideration,”and even a ...
  3. Consideration - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    However, some courts in the United States may take issue with nominal consideration, or consideration with virtually no value. Some courts have since thought ...
  4. What is nominal consideration? definition and meaning
    Definition of nominal consideration: Some benefit that bears little or no relation to the real value of an agreement, contract, job, or position.
  5. LexisNexis Contracts Capsule Summary - Chapter 5
    If nominal consideration is given as a mere formality in order to create a binding contract rather than as a bargained exchange, the consideration is insufficient.
  6. nominal consideration (law) -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia
    Nominal consideration is a subtle and ingenious formality. Its essence is the introduction of a contrived element of exchange into the transaction. Thus A ...
  7. Nominal Consideration
    A consideration bearing no relation to the real value of a contract used so as not to reveal the true value of the property being conveyed; in name only, and not ...
  8. Concurring Opinions » Nominal Consideration at the Olympics
    Jul 30, 2012 ... If true, I take it that British law takes the position that nominal consideration can bind obligees, but that “false” nominal consideration can't. Thus ...