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orphan stock

A stock that has been largely ignored by research analysts, usually because it's small or in an out-of-favor sector. Value investors often believe that some orphan stocks are undiscovered bargains. also called wallflower.

Related information about orphan stock:
  1. What is orphan stock? definition and meaning
    Definition of orphan stock: A stock that has been largely ignored by research analysts, usually because it's small or in an out-of-favor sector. Value investors ...
  2. Widow-And-Orphan Stock Definition | Investopedia
    A stock that pays high dividends and is generally considered to carry low risk. Widow-and-orphan stocks would most likely be in non-cyclical industries that are ...
  3. Orphan Stock - Financial Dictionary - The Free Dictionary
    A stock that is ignored by research analysts and as a result may be trading at low price earnings ratios. Orphan Stock. A stock that is not often tracked by analysts ...
  4. Orphan stock - The Free Dictionary
    b. A child who has been deprived of parental care and has not been adopted. 2. A young animal without a mother. 3. One that lacks support, supervision, or care: ...
  5. Orphan Stock | Glossary | VC Experts
    Definition of Orphan Stock. ... Learn More About Orphan Stock. A star ( Iconstar ) denotes premium content available to encyclopedia subscribers only.
  6. Orphan Stock Definition - What is Orphan Stock?
    What is Orphan Stock? Find out right now with a helpful definition and links related to Orphan Stock.
  7. Widow-and-Orphan Stock
    Widow-and-Orphan Stock. ... Widow-and-Orphan Stock. A Widow-and-Orphan Stock is a relatively low-risk stock from a well-known firm that pays high dividends .
  8. Widow and Orphan Stock Definition & Example | InvestingAnswers
    We explain the definition of Widow and Orphan Stock, how it works and why it's an important concept in business, finance and investing.