Exchange Currency


Having too much of a given type of thing relative to other things. In the case of a portfolio, containing too large of a position in a specific stock or sector.

Related information about overweighted:
  1. overweighted - The Free Dictionary
    Weighing more than is normal, necessary, or allowed, especially having more body weight than is considered normal or healthy for one's age or build. n. ( v r-w t ) ...
  2. Overweighted - Financial Dictionary - The Free Dictionary
    See: Market outperform. 2. See: Overperform. 3. Describing a portfolio where one security or industry has too much representation. For example, an overweight ...
  3. What is overweighted? definition and meaning
    Definition of overweighted: Having too much of a given type of thing relative to other things. In the case of a portfolio, containing too large of a position in a ...
  4. Urban Dictionary: Overweighted
    C- Constipated O- Overweighted O- Out-of-style L- Loser Used on dumbasses to think you're giving them a compliment.
  5. Spanish Assets Wildly Overweighted with Housing | The Big Picture
    Jun 15, 2012 ... click for larger graphic Source: The Pain in Spain > Real Estate comprised 79% of Spanish household assets, according to Jon Carmel at.
  6. Definition of overweight
    Pronunciation: /əʊvəˈweɪt/ [ with object ] (usually as adjective overweighted). put too much weight on; overload: he toppled back like an overweighted ...
  7. [Photo] Unimaginable! Overweighted people worldwide - China ...
    [Photo] Unimaginable! Overweighted people worldwide Photos & Fun.
  8. C.O.O.L. - Constipated Overweighted Out of style Loser | Facebook
    C.O.O.L. - Constipated Overweighted Out of style Loser. 124 likes · 0 talking about this.