Exchange Currency

plain vanilla option

A category of options which includes only those with the most standard components. A plain vanilla option has an expiration date and straightforward strike price. American-style options and European-style options are both categorized as plain vanilla options. opposite of exotic option.

Related information about plain vanilla option:
  1. Plain Vanilla Definition | Investopedia
    For example, a plain vanilla option is the standard type of option, one with a simple expiration date and strike price and no additional features. With an exotic ...
  2. What is plain vanilla option? definition and meaning
    Definition of plain vanilla option: A category of options which includes only those ... A plain vanilla option has an expiration date and straightforward strike price.
  3. Plain Vanilla Options by
    Almost all beginners to options trading have heard of such thing as a "Plain Vanilla Option" and almost all of them wondered, what plain vanilla mean anyways.
  4. Plain Vanilla Option - Financial Dictionary - The Free Dictionary
    An option with standard features like a fixed strike price, expiration date and a single underlying asset. The option is effective at the current date and when ...
  5. Option style - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    These options can be exercised either European style or American style; they differ from the plain vanilla option only in the calculation of their payoff value: ...
  6. Vanilla Option Definition & Example | InvestingAnswers
    A plain vanilla option offers the right to purchase or sell an underlying security by a certain date at a set strike price. In comparison to other option structures, ...
  7. plain vanilla: Definition from
    For example, a plain vanilla option is the standard type of option, one with a simple expiration date and strike price and no additional features. With an exotic ...
  8. Vanilla Option Definition - What is Vanilla Option?
    In contrast, exotic options are customized and trade on the OTC (i.e. over the counter) market. A vanilla option is also referred to as a plain vanilla option.