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quantitative data

Numeric values generated from various sources, such as systematic surveys, observation or analysis that can be quantified, measured and converted into statistical models and depicted graphically in spreadsheets or charts.

Related information about quantitative data:
  1. Qualitative vs Quantitative Data
    Qualitative vs Quantitative Data. ... Topic Index | Algebra Index | Regents Exam Prep Center. Examine the differences between qualitative and quantitative data.
  2. Quantitative Data - Psychology -
    Quantitative data is a type of information that can be counted or expressed numerically...
  3. Quantitative data - The Free Dictionary
    quan·ti·ta·tive (kw n t -t t v). adj. 1. a. Expressed or expressible as a quantity. b. Of, relating to, or susceptible of measurement. c. Of or relating to number or ...
  4. What is quantitative data? definition and meaning
    Definition of quantitative data: Data that can be quantified and verified, and is amenable to statistical manipulation. Quantitative data defines whereas qualitative ...
  5. Quantitative research - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Quantitative data is any data that is in numerical form such as statistics, percentages, etc. In layman's terms, this means that the quantitative researcher asks a ...
  6. Analyze Quantitative Data « Pell Institute
    Quantitative data analysis is helpful in evaluation because it provides quantifiable and easy to understand results. Quantitative data can be analyzed in a variety ...
  7. Definition of Quantitative Data
    Math explained in easy language, plus puzzles, games, quizzes, worksheets and a forum. For K-12 kids, teachers and parents.
  8. Analyzing Quantitative Data
    Add Building Capacity in Evaluating Outcomes: A Teaching and Facilitating Resource for Community-Based. Collecting Evaluation Data: Direct Observation ...