Exchange Currency

reciprocal demand

The concept that, in international trade, it is not just supply and demand that interact, but demand and demand. That is, a trading equilibrium is a reciprocal equilibrium in which one country's demand for another country's products (and willingness to pay for them with its own) matches with the other country's demands for the products of the first.

Related information about reciprocal demand:
  1. Reciprocal demand (Meaning of)
    Reciprocal demand - Meaning and definition. ... Look up: Reciprocal demand. Reciprocal demand. The concept that, in international trade, it is not just supply ...
  2. What is reciprocal demand? definition and meaning
    Definition of reciprocal demand: The concept that, in international trade, it is not just supply and demand that interact, but demand and demand. That is, a trading ...
  3. International Economics Glossary: R
    Reciprocal demand, The concept that, in international trade, it is not just supply and demand that interact, but ... Reciprocal demand curve, An offer curve.
  4. Online Library of Liberty - II. Reciprocal Demand and the Terms of ...
    Front Page arrow Titles (by Subject) arrow II. Reciprocal Demand and the Terms of Trade - Studies in the Theory of International Trade ...
  5. Reciprocal demand - Merriam-Webster Online
    the demand of two persons or communities for one another's products. This word doesn't usually appear in our free dictionary, but the definition from our ...
  6. Reciprocal Demand and Increasing Returns - JStor
    Reciprocal Demand and Increasing. Returns. The purpose of this paper is twofold: first, to show the formal connection between the Marshallian offer-curve ...
  7. The Effects on Trade of Shifting Reciprocal Demand Schedules - JStor
    effects on international trade of iso-elastic shifts in reciprocal demand schedules of ... tinguishing the Marshall type of shift of the reciprocal demand schedules ...
  8. Mill Reciprocal Demand - Homework Help: Maths, Physics ...
    Classof1 provides economics online tutoring and homework assistance to K-12, College and Graduate students. Our expert tutors available 24/7 they help you ...